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Face your opponent in attention stance. The attacker measures the distance between themselves and their opponent by making a right walking stance with their foot to the outside of their opponent’s foot. Once this distance is established the attacker should return to attention stance.
Starting Positions
Attacker - parallel ready stance. (Kihap to show that they are ready to attack just on attack)
Defender - parallel ready stance. (Kihap to show they are ready to defend just on number 1)
Number 1
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Step right leg forward slightly to form a sitting stance at an angle to the attacker. Perform a hooking block with left hand; perform a right inward elbow strike to attacker’s temple followed by an outward elbow strike to the opposite side of temple, then a knee kick to the abdomen and finally a downward elbow strike to the back of neck.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 2
Grab opponent’s right wrist with your left hand.
Defence and Counter Attack
Step out into left walking stance; perform outward release from grab followed by a high section reverse punch with the right hand (as in Joong Gun moves 14 to 16)
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 3
From a parallel ready stance, the attacker performs a double handed grab to throat (with no force).
Defence and Counter Attack
Step right leg backwards into left walking stance while performing an outer forearm wedging block. Follow this with a rear leg front snap kick then an obverse and reverse mid-section punch (as in Do-San moves 15 & 16)
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 4
From a parallel ready stance, grab the defender’s right shoulder with your right arm while standing behind them.
Defence and Counter Attack
Spin anti-clockwise landing in a left walking stance. Perform an outer forearm outward block with the left hand followed by a reverse punch (as in Do San moves 1 & 2)
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 5
Stand behind your opponent, wrap both your arms around their upper torso including the arms.
Defence and Counter Attack
Perform a stamp to their foot with your right foot, throw your head backwards as if to hit them in the face. Thrust hips backwards then angle body off towards the left. Perform a right rear elbow thrust to their abdomen followed by a low side fist back strike to their groin. At this point grab the back of the opponent’s knees and pull them forward to take them down onto your knee. When they are on the floor, perform a stamp as if to hit the groin.
Both finish by standing in parallel ready stance
Number 6
Place opponent in a head lock under your left arm.
Defence and Counter Attack
Turn head to face opponent’s body. Perform a punch with the left hand as though hitting your opponent in the groin. Take your right hand over the attackers left shoulder and under their chin. Place your left hand behind their left knee and pull while pushing backwards with your right hand in a see-saw motion dropping the attacker onto your knee as they fall to the floor. When they are on the floor, perform a stamp as if to hit the groin.
Both finish by standing in parallel ready stance